Trasplante de cabello: ¿Es un procedimiento doloroso?

Hair transplantation: Is it a painful procedure?

Are you dealing with alopecia and feel uncomfortable with the simple fact of seeing yourself hairless in front of the mirror? If this is your case, we wouldn't be surprised if you have considered the possibility of having a hair graft. We are talking about

Black Friday - Hair Transplant Turkey 20% Discount

Black Friday is a very important day for retailers all over the world. And at Global Health, we want to celebrate it with you! That's why we offer you a discount of 20% for those who contract the Ponerse Pelo service.

Vitamins to prevent hair loss

At times like autumn, hair loss increases more than in other seasons. When this hair loss is very frequent and lasts longer than this period, it is time to start worrying. There are a large number of

Hair Transplantation with the utmost safety

Are you thinking of having a hair transplant in Turkey? We know how difficult and uncertain the current situation is, that's why this month we are offering you an offer so that you can go to Turkey with the greatest

New health security measures at Global Health

In view of the situation we are currently experiencing, at Global Health we have reinforced the health safety measures for all our team. Our main objective is that you can enjoy your treatment in complete safety and comfort. The main measures we have adopted

Factors that cause hair loss

Table of contents Why does my hair fall out? Stress Too many vitamins Too few vitamins Too little protein Anaemia Rapid weight loss Attack of the immune system Medications Hormones Genetics Genetics Age Knowing what factors cause hair loss