Trasplante de Pelo para Mujeres

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Hair transplant for women in Turkey

More and more women are deciding to undergo a hair transplant. Gracias a los avances tecnológicos, los injertos de pelo para mujeres offer greater guarantees and results. The use of the DHI technique (Direct Hair Implantation)allows hair transplants to be performed without shaving women's hair, which is why many women have already opted for this procedure, which is also completely safe and offers a high success rate.

Hair loss in women

There are a number of different causes that can lead to hair loss in women. Among many others we find: thyroid diseases, hormonal causes, alterations, stress, childbirth, accidents, genetic and seasonal changes. Our first recommendation in the event of early hair loss is to consult a specialist and analyse the reason for your hair loss. Finding the cause in time will be the main point to prevent hair loss.


Hair Transplant in Turkey for Women

Permanent hair loss in women usually begins in the form of thinning hair on the crown of the head.

Surgical interventions of hair transplantation in women are almost the same as for men. The only difference is that women prefer not to shave their hair completely while undergoing hair grafting.

Therefore, the hair transplant without shaving is usually the most commonly performed on women. The operation currently available for this type of hair grafting is the technique called DHI (Direct Hair Implantation).

Advantages of the DHI technique for hair grafting in women

✓ Disminuir el tipo en el que los injertos capilares permanecen fuera del cuero cabelludo, asegurando una colocación del injerto fuerte.

✓ Se fortalece y asegura la implantación de los injertos capilares.

✓ Aumenta las tasas de supervivencia de los folículos implantados.

✓ Reduce el sangrado durante el proceso.

✓ Sólo requiere una sedación, pero no anestesia, solo es necesario una sedación.

✓ Invisibilidad de las incisiones, no existen como tal.

✓ Más cómoda y fácil recuperación después de la post operación, perfecto para volver a la rutina.

✓ El paciente no necesita rasurarse.

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DHI No Shave method for female hair transplants

The method DHI (Direct Hair Implantation)allows the hair transplant to be carried out without the need to shave the hair. This technique is ideal for hair grafting in women with hair loss problems and permanent hair loss. Hair grafting in Turkey mediante la técnica DHI, es un método seguro y ofrece un alto porcentaje de éxito. Esta técnica es un tipo de injerto capilar que consiste en la extracción e inserción de los folículos pilosos en dos únicos pasos, sin necesidad de preparar la zona receptora con incisiones.

Can all women undergo the IHD method?

Several studies indicate that people with straight and fine hair are more likely to accept treatment positively, and that those whose hair is curly or coarser may have a higher rate of grafting complications.

This is due to the size of the needles. However, it is also true that curlier or thicker hair is less likely to break when placed in the implant and still has a higher failure rate.

Even so, the majority of women do not opt for this techniqueIt involves shaving the hair and affects the aesthetics of the hair. It is therefore an optional technique.

Why have a hair transplant for women in Turkey?

There are many reasons to have a hair transplant in Turkey. The first is the money savings that can be made by having the procedure done in Turkey, between 4000 and 8000 euros less.

In addition, Turkey is one of the pioneers in technology and new techniques in hair transplantation, years ahead of other countries.

Do you want more information about the process, prices or methods of hair transplantation for women in Turkey? At Global Health, we have more than 20 years of experience, so we can advise you on the best treatment for your case. 
