If you've heard of scarring alopecia as a possible diagnosis for you, I'm afraid it's not good news.
Hair loss can occur for many reasons, which are the ones that allow us to classify the pathology. However, in addition to these, there is another typology: scarring or non-scarring, which refers, as the name itself indicates, to whether the follicles have healed.
What is scarring alopecia?
Scarring or scarring alloepia is that which is accompanied by fibrous scar tissue, hence the name, in places where follicles were once present, which have become atrophied.
This means, of course, that the scarring does not allow hair growth, similar to what would happen if we had a scar, for example, on the forearm.
It is classified according to the reasons for its appearance, with primary and secondary scarring alopecia, the former being caused by lesions that appear when the scalp is diseased and the latter due to problems.
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Symptoms of scarring alopecia
A subcutaneous inflammation is produced that is invisible to the sufferer. This means that there are no symptoms other than hair loss, which is gradual, which means that it is a pathology that goes unnoticed more than the other types.
Not surprisingly, there have also been reported cases where patients suffer some itching, pain and burning and hair has fallen out more quickly.
Causes of scarring alopecia; why does it occur?
The direct cause for hair to fall out and stop growing is the inflammation of the upper part of the hair follicle to the point of atrophy. However, it is clear that this does not just happen; there are various causes that lead to this.
As we have indicated, we are dealing with a primary pathology, which corresponds to genetic factors and alterations that occur in the development of the follicle or its parts, acquired alopecia, autoimmune dermatosis and even for unknown reasons.
Secondary problems are caused by the existence of other primary problems such as infections, burns, traumas, etc.
In short, the causes of scarring alopecia are very diverse because, in the end, what it means is that the follicle has atrophied and tissue has grown in its place, which means that there is no limitation in terms of the reasons for this to occur.
Scarring alopecia treatment
Unfortunately, there is no pharmacological treatment for this pathology because, as we have explained, hair growth has become impossible due to the fact that the follicles have become totally atrophied and, in fact, covered by new tissue with no capacity for hair to grow from it.
The only solution, in this case, is to have a hair implant using hair follicles that are in good condition and that contain hair with a hormonal quality that ensures that they will not fall out, something that any expert in hair transplantation studies prior to this intervention.