Do you know the FUSS technique to put hair back? This is one of the options currently available to get a good amount of hair back in a fairly quick operating theatre process. Do you want to know everything about what is known as the "strip technique"?

What is the FUSS technique?

We know as the FUSS technique (Follicular Unit Strip Surgery) is the removal of thin, long strips of skin from a donor scalp area rich in hair and subsequent grafting to areas of the head with lower hair density.

In this way, we do not remove the follicle one by one but, by designing a strip of skin when extracting, in one single operation, we remove a number of follicles. These, in turn, have a different number of hairs depending on certain personal characteristics.

Do you want to get your hair back? We have the perfect solution for you!

Advantages of the FUSS technique

The main advantage of the FUSS technique over other methods of hair implantation is the speed with which the intervention itself is carried out, as we work with strips of follicles, which are easily extracted and grafted, making it easier to extract the units. In addition, this technique avoids grafts remaining buried. It is also worth mentioning that FUSS has a greater number of optimal candidates.


The pre-intervention is identical to that which should be followed with any other hair grafting method. This consists of not smoking or drinking caffeine, gas or alcohol the days before and not taking any vitamins.

On the other hand, you should also be aware of any medical treatment you are following, in order to consider pausing or modifying it. Your doctor will also need to know your medical history and any family history of certain pathologies.

Leaving this aside, all that remains is to arrive in the operating theatre with a perfectly clean scalp, ready to be shaved where necessary.

Phases of intervention

The procedure, which requires both local and general anaesthesia, begins with the shaving of the hair. Then, the strips of skin to be removed are drawn with tiny and extremely specific material. These are removed, divided and treated so that they are hydrated and at a suitable temperature. The recipient area is incised with a micro-scalpel just where each follicle will be inserted. After this, the grafted skin is sutured.


Due to the aggressiveness of the intervention, it is evident that the postoperative period is longer and more delicate than in other cases. You will have large wounds, corresponding to the union of the skin incisions, which means that you will have to be very careful, especially in relation to infections. You will also need more time to start doing all kinds of activities (sport, washing your hair, having a normal sleeping posture...).

Do you want to know more?

Contact us and we will advise you without obligation.